How To Be A Source of Inspiration to Others

A child as young as six to seven years old is expected to know basic moral values like honesty, good manners, kindness, etc. The ability to make small decisions based on these values starts developing during the school-going years. However, intellect and comprehension skills are not fully developed until adulthood. This is past adolescence, let’s say around the age of twenty-two to twenty-five years. 

Interestingly, this is also the age when most of us need to make the most crucial choices in terms of careers, relationships, and life in general. Hence it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the skills acquired during the early school years are the most useful during this phase of life. While many acquire the services of consultants and seek advice from random strangers, it is quite likely that the answers are already present in your system.

Perhaps this is why most of the literature for children focuses on important life lessons such as resilience, helping others, self-belief, and similar inspirational personality traits. For example, the story of King Timur drawing inspiration from an ant trying to climb the wall, who was undeterred by the number of times it failed. Or, the folk tale in which a rat rescues a lion despite the former’s disdain. At some point in our childhood, we’ve all heard such accounts of heroism that were translated into naive, relatable fables.

As we journey into adulthood, the lessons learned early on fade away from memory. We lose ourselves to despair owing to temporary setbacks and hurdles we encounter along the way. Consequently, we start looking outward for inspiration and motivation. 

Hence, to be the most relevant figure in the world today, one needs to master the art of inspiring others. Although there is no precise formula to inspire people, some simple yet desirable habits could have everyone looking towards you for advice and guidance. Therefore, this article aims to suggest ways to stand out from the crowd. 

Endorse your struggles

We often tend to alienate ourselves from our reality. We believe if we’re narrating a story that includes multiple failures, people would be less interested in the times we succeeded. This is contrary to the truth. If you’re honest about your journey, people will find it more relatable and be inspired by your perseverance.


Exude confidence

Once you’ve qualified and set foot in the practical field, always believe that you’re fully capable of handling any challenging situation. Sound confident. People will pay close attention to your words when it seems like you know what you’re talking about. 

Remain hopeful

In times of darkness, the biggest source of inspiration is somebody who can ignite hope. Let people know that the future holds as much potential as you allow yourself to believe. 

Show kindness

From greeting everyone you meet with a smile to performing an act of charity, use your position to highlight the importance of kindness and humanity. Remember, life is too busy and people often forget to connect. Something as simple as a message to check up on your acquaintances might seem quite inspirational. 

Lend a helping hand to others

Do whatever you can in your capacity to assist those in need. Go out of your way to make things easier for random strangers and the kin alike. Do not hesitate to show empathy to those in need.

Inspire & Be Inspired

So, if you wish to inspire others, you must remember the childhood lessons that inspired you. That way, you can pass on the ancient wisdom to the coming generations. And trust me, something like that is highly needed today.


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