Describing anxiety in a brief sentence always seems so belittling. The problem is so multi-faceted that even one long sitting doesn't seem enough to explain what a sufferer goes through. And this only makes it harder to seek help.

One rarely finds people to confide in about the entirety of your issues. And even then, you often don't receive advice that's truly helpful.

To all the brave people fighting anxiety symptoms every day, remember that the antidote is often present within the problem. For example, to fight COVID, they had to take a part of the virus and create a vaccine with it. 

Such is the case with every complex problem. Part of it always presents the solution, we just need to look at it more deeply.

But that's not as easy as it sounds. Being someone who has seen the worst of it more than once, I can assure the readers that's not what your mind tells you when you're in a panic.

Some days, we're just clutching for straws. Anything to keep us afloat.

And that's where these tips would come in handy. 


Are you on a diet? Don't get time to do something recreational? Have an exciting plan that keeps getting delayed for one reason or the other?

On the days when the anxiety is particularly bad, do one such thing. Prioritizing mental health requires you to think about feeling better more than things you're 'supposed to do.


Try unconventional methods to reduce stress. For example, there are Scandinavian lifestyles like Hygge that teach you to live in the moment.

Focus on one small thing. You are reading this text right now So, the next or previous task should not be on your mind.

Recommended: Soothing Rain Sounds


Let's be honest, you can't meditate unless you're calm enough. So, don't feel overwhelmed if an attempt fails or you feel worse for not doing what you're asked to.

For a start, take a step towards meditation. Maybe change your environment, play calm music, or look at tranquil scenery. Once you feel better, give it another shot. And meditate until you feel relief washing over you.


Not so easy when you have anxiety, but hear me out. You mostly avoid calls because they make you uncomfortable. 

Right now, it isn't about comfort. It is about restoring connection to the real world. Dial a friend's number, blabber all you want, tell them how you feel, and just lighten up. This is not about the person on the other side, this is about you.

Did you find these tips helpful? Don't worry! I'll be back with some more soon. Until then, keep sharing the information with others. You may not know who needs it.


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