Change: The Only Resolution You Need for 2022

The change of a calendar year is a tricky time.

It is a bittersweet moment when you bid goodbye to old memories and say hello to new possibilities. As we approach 2022, let's decide on a few new year resolutions that we all need.

A tag on a cloth bag reads 2022. It's probably full of goodies.
Hello, 2022! 

It has not been easy lately. So much changed in a short time. But we're not talking about involuntary changes. The kind that breaks your heart and shatters your soul. 

We're talking about changes that you consciously incorporate into your life. At the risk of sounding cliche, change for the better.

Have you ever admired the pink hues of the sky? Think about it. The sky, known for its iconic blue color, looks even more beautiful when it turns pink.

And that just proves how alluring change is. It can instantly make everything seem prettier.

pink sky
Oh, that beautiful, pink sky!

It's not just about aesthetics. Anything that you start doing differently automatically brings a fresh perspective. Something as insignificant as changing your dressing style can work wonders. You could find new friends, become more confident, get more success professionally, and whatnot.

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So, our only advice for the upcoming year would be to befriend change. Think about the things that have remained static for too long and promise yourself to change those. Once you endorse change wholeheartedly, life starts feeling a lot more pleasant.


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